De-Stress Recommendations for Our Silver Spring Community

With the changing leaves of fall, we’re reminded it won’t be long before we’re into the winter season.  Many of us are excited for the holidays, but along with them come the added stress of extended family, finances for the holidays, cold weather and less time outdoors as we enter daylight savings time.

What are some ways to de-stress when we start feeling overwhelmed?

  1. Take an Outdoor Break - It’s easy to begin feeling ‘trapped’ indoors as the weather becomes cooler.  If exercise seems to overwhelming, take a quick walk around the block to get some fresh air.  Leave your cell phone at home and allow yourself a chance to be mindful of what you’re experiencing outside.  

  2. Listen to a Guided Meditation - Find a guided meditation on youtube or a song that is calming to you.  Allow yourself a quiet space where you can relax and solely focus on the words or music, attempting to silence other thoughts. 

  3. 5-Minutes of Exercise - Feeling angry and need a quick break?  Try 5-minutes of an intense workout such as - push-ups, jumping rope or sprinting.  

  4. Journal - Get your thoughts, feelings and stress into words by expressing what you’re going through on paper.  At the end of your journal entry, write about something that has been going well for you that you want to shift your focus to instead.

  5. Community - Make plans to connect with your friends or community groups.  Research shows us that people who are more connected in their community have lower levels of stress. 

Need more ways to de-stress?  Check out this article on scientifically backed ways to de-stress. Enjoy the fall season - and cheers to creating your self-care plan so you can enjoy a wonderful holiday season!


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